Sexual Health and Relationships


Sex and relationship education guidance (Head teachers. teachers & School Governors) (2000)

Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) for the 21st Century, Brook/PSHE (2014)

Also see Brighton and Hove Sexual Health and Relationships Policy Guidance


This chapter was updated in November 2017 to update links and contact details to Brighton and Hove Sexual Health and Contraception service.

1. Introduction

Brighton and Hove City Council have a responsibility to ensure that all young people whom they Corporate Parent, receive high quality sex and relationship education and that they have the information and the confidence to access contraception and sexual health services, as part of their corporate Parenting Responsibility.

There is also an expectation that the Brighton and Hove Children's Services ensures young Parents, who are themselves Looked After or whose children are subject to a Child Protection Plan, are provided with the appropriate support and guidance in Parenting, caring for their children and sustaining their education.

Young people 'in need' who are in receipt of services from the Brighton and Hove Children's Service are also entitled to advice and information as described above.

Children and young people in public care are particularly vulnerable to poor sexual and emotional health. National research 'confirms that it is difficult for them to access sexual information, education and support both informally and formally. Without proper support they may receive inadequate or incorrect sexual information and negative messages about sex, their sexuality and relationships'.

Brighton and Hove Children's Services is committed to providing information and promoting all aspects of sexual health, including sexual identity issues involved in personal relationships and STIs, including HIV/AIDS. Staff / Carers should also be aware of how to access on behalf of young people generic and specialist services information necessary to meet the needs of a young person.

Dealing with a young person's sexuality and sexual development may be one of the most complex and challenging tasks a Social Worker/Carer undertakes. At present this may be an area of need that is overlooked, either because of a fear of 'getting it wrong', a sense of personal embarrassment, or a feeling of ignorance in addressing the key issues. These procedures provide the basic information a worker or Carer may need. For full information on the Brighton and Hove Children's Service see Sexual Health and Relationships Policy.

2. Legal Guidance: Sexual Offences Act 2003

Under this act the legal age for young people of either gender to consent to have sex is 16 years whether they are straight, gay or bisexual.

A person aged 18 or over commits a criminal offence if he/she engages in sexual activity with someone under 16 who he/she does not reasonably believe to be 16 or over, or the child is under 13. An offence is committed if there is sexual activity with any person who does not consent.

Although the age of consent is 16 years it will not be the policy of the Local Authority/Police to seek the prosecution of young people of a similar age involved in mutually agreed consensual sex unless it involves abuse or exploitation.

Under the Sexual Offences Act young people still have the right to confidential advice on contraception, condoms pregnancy \and abortion even if they are under 16 years old. The Act states that, a person is not guilty of aiding, abetting or committing an offence against a child where they are acting for the purpose of:

  • Protecting a child from pregnancy or sexually transmitted infection,
  • Protecting the physical safety of a child,
  • Promoting a child's emotional well-being by the giving of advice

This exception, in statute, covers not only health professionals, but anyone who acts to protect a child, for example teachers, School Nurses, Youth Employability Service (YES) Personal Advisers, Youth Workers, Social Care Practitioners and Parents.

The Children (Leaving Care) Act 2000 imposed new responsibilities on local authorities to make sure that support is provided until early adulthood. As there is evidence concerning high levels of teenage pregnancy in girls who are, or who have been looked after, there is a "need for greater attention to be paid to advice about sexual relationships and sexual health" and informing potential young Parents of the impact of Parenthood upon teenage lifestyles.

The Age of Consent for sexual intercourse in heterosexual and homosexual relationships is 16 years.

The Fraser Guidelines refer to a House of Lords Judgement (1985) which ruled that it would not be a criminal offence to provide advice or treatment to girls under the age of 16 if the young person showed "sufficient understanding and intelligence" to consent. As a result of this case, the phrase Gillick Competence is often referred to.

3. Sex and Relationship Education (SRE)

All schools in Brighton and Hove have sex and relationship education policies which underpin the delivery of sex and relationship education as part of Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE). Schools consult with and involve Parents and Carers in the development of school policies. Some schools deliver workshops to support Parents and Carers in talking to their children about sex and relationships. The PSHE & Healthy Schools Advisory Team has produced Sex and Relationship Education: guidance for schools (2003) which is informed by Sex and Relationship Education Guidance (DfE, 2000) to support schools in the planning and delivery of SRE (Note this should also be read in conjunction with Sex and Relationships Education (SRE) for the 21st Century, Brook/PSHE (2014). However, school-based SRE may not reach young people who are excluded from school or disaffected in lessons or who learn better in smaller group settings. It is important therefore, that appropriate SRE is provided in addition to school settings.

For young people who are in placements outside of the Local Authority boundaries, the young person's Social Worker and/or Independent Reviewing Officer should negotiate with the young person and their Carers how best to provide this input.

For young people who have left care and have moved onto semi/independent accommodation or are in the process of doing so, the SRE should be part of the Pathway Plan that is drawn up in a young person's 16th year. It will be in the transition from 15 to 21 years that young people will need the greatest opportunity to seek advice about relationships and sexual health. It is likely that the Social Worker will be key in providing this input and for those young people between the ages of 18 and 21 they will have the prime responsibility. The Leaving Care Team has a part-time Nurse attached to the Team who is available to see young people 16+ and young asylum seekers regarding sexual health matters, in addition to being a source of information and support for Carers/Social Workers.

4. Privacy

Young people have the right to privacy, consistent with the right to personal safety and welfare, as they would in their own Home.

All people have the right to privacy in the place where they live and every looked after young person should have their own personal space, whether that be to have some lockable space in their bedrooms. Also, unnecessary intrusion should be avoided and only after they have knocked on the door.

Privacy should also be available to young people washing, bathing, dressing and using the toilet, appropriate to their age and ability. However, young people need to understand that they do not have the right to privacy to partake in sexual relationships within a children's Home or foster placement. In semi-independent living arrangements, the organisation's policy regarding sexual relationships should be explained to young people at the time of admission.

Young people have the right to privacy consistent with the right to personal safety and welfare, as they would in their own Home. Information of a private nature may, however, need to be shared with third parties if there are specific child protection concerns which justify such disclosure. If information is to be shared with third parties, and it is possible to advise the young person without impeding the investigation of the child protection matter, then the young person should be advised that the information will be shared.

Boundaries to privacy

People under the age of 18 cannot legally purchase material that is sexually explicit, and the Department does not support its use or availability. Similarly, videos, films, television and computer and games software that are classified by the censorship age (e.g. PG, 15 etc) or for "adults only" may not be bought or viewed by anyone under the classified age. Pornographic material containing sexually explicit images can give a stereotyped, distorted or exploitative view of men, women, boys and girls, and can be offensive and damaging to young people. Such material also presents a poor image and role model of women and men in society to young people. There are many reasons why young people may wish to access pornographic material. When pornographic material is discovered it should be used to provide an opportunity for a discussion to explore attitudes and feelings around pornography between the young person and Staff or Carers.

5. Personal Friends and Relationships

Young people have the right to choose to make, break or refrain from personal relationships.

Social Workers and Carers have a responsibility to ensure that any relationship in which a young person may be involved is not an abusive one, as defined in "Working Together" (Chapter 3).

It is important to realise that some of these relationships will involve young people who identify themselves as being heterosexual, lesbian, gay and bisexual. It is vital that Social Workers show no discrimination in dealing with the sexuality choices a young person might make, so that they are able to address issues as they arise in a professional and caring manner, consistent with the young person's needs and personal safety. In doing so the young person will also feel sufficiently confident in these adults to approach them for the advice and support they may need.

6. Responsibilities

Young people need to be made aware that with rights come certain responsibilities and in exercising their own rights they are not impinging on those of others.

Responsibility in sexual behaviour can only be expected of young people if they fully understand the facts upon which they are to make a decision. Social Worker / Carers, therefore, need to act within the constraints of the law and to help and guide young people to do so as well. If young people are embarking on any illegal activity then the adults have a responsibility to inform the young person of the possible consequences of breaking the law and take appropriate action if they are aware the law has been broken.

Brighton and Hove City Council have produced Guidance for Staff working with young people involved in under age sexual activity, which is available from your Manager or Supervising Social Worker.

7. Confidentiality

Young people have the right to confidentiality of personal information, unless it compromises the rights to safety of others or themselves.

This is an issue that causes a great deal of anxiety for young people, Staff and Carers alike. It is essential that every party fully understands the boundaries of the rights of the young person to have personal information shared or kept confidential and, if shared, with how many people. There may be times when confidentiality is breached to ensure that the young person receives the care, treatment and support that they need. In such circumstances young people need to know that, if such information is shared, on what basis this decision is being made and they should be supported through this process, such as by involving the Young Person's Advocate and by referring them to the Complaints and Representations Procedure.

Young people subject to Care Orders have the same right to confidentiality and treatment from health professionals as other young people. This means that they can ask for and access contraceptive advice from health professionals with the same degree of assurance about confidentiality as a young person who is not subject to a care order. If a health professional does not consider the young person competent to consent to the treatment proposed the person with Parenting Responsibility could give consent to medical treatment, including contraception.

Section 33 (3)(b) of the Children Act 1989 gives Parental Responsibility to Council with Social Services Responsibilities for any young person in respect of whom it has a care order. In relation to such a young person, the Council with Social Services Responsibilities could decide to agree to medical treatment, including contraception, without the consent of the Parent. In these circumstances, they would normally inform the Parents of the decision, unless to do so would not be in the young person's best interests.

8. Working with Children who are Looked After - Under 11

For children and young people under the age of 11 the work that needs to be done will require giving age-appropriate information to help them, including them being able to:

  • Talk about feelings and emotions
  • Talk about relationships, families and friendships with both the same and opposite sex
  • Have accurate information on how their bodies work and the correct names for parts of the body
  • Understand appropriate and inappropriate touching and raising awareness of abusive situations
  • Understand and prepare for puberty, including how and why the body changes, knowledge and management of periods, wet dreams etc.
  • Have misunderstandings corrected
  • Have a network identified for them to seek ongoing help and support
  • Understand health and hygiene, including that around the genital area

9. Working with Young People who are Looked After - Over 11

Young people over the age of 11, and especially from 13 / 14 years will continue to need accurate information about sexual health and relationships. Attention needs to be given to the needs of young men, who may not see sex and relationship education as being relevant to them. Young people of these ages will need the opportunity to discuss all of the above, plus them being enabled to:

  • Receive accurate, easy to understand information about sexual development, sexuality, reproduction and birth, contraception, health and hygiene, sexual orientation, STIs including HIV and AIDS and safer sex
  • Understand the importance of personal relationships and respect for self and others within these relationships
  • Explore their own attitudes to themselves and others and to develop a values and moral framework
  • Understand the role and responsibility of Parenthood and the restrictive impact this will inevitably have on their lifestyles in comparison to their peers
  • Understand the effect of sex and gender roles
  • Learn to avoid and resist unwanted sexual pressures and keep safe from sexual and physical abuse
  • Know how to access confidential information and advice about sexual health and personal / emotional issues
  • Understand all topics relevant to sex and the law
  • Develop skills to enable them to take responsibility for their behaviour
  • Learn how to deal with regretted sexual activity
  • Be assisted to value difference and to have any prejudices they may express challenged in an appropriate manner
  • Be aware of their confidentiality rights when accessing GP's, Family Planning services and GUM Clinics

10. How Can This Be Provided?

Sexual Health should be identified in the PEP, Health Care Plan and in the Care Plan, which is concerned with the long-term needs of children and young people. However, to respect the child or young person's privacy, details in relation to sexual health should not be included without Court documents (including the Court Care Plan), unless there are specific legal reasons why such information should be shared with the parties.

The need for specific support and advice on personal relationships will be identified in the LAC materials, including the Placement Plan Part 2, section 2 (health) and section 4 (identity), as well as section 12 of the Care Plan, which is concerned with the long-term needs of young people. For LAC and care leavers aged 16-21 years these needs will be identified in the "Health" and "Family and Social Relationships" sections of the Needs Assessment and Pathway Plan.

By the first review the young person's Social Worker will identify the worker / Carer who is to be responsible for ensuring the provision of advice, support and guidance on personal relationships to the young person. It may be useful if young people themselves have a role in selecting this person, who should wherever possible be of the gender / ethnicity / sexuality of the young person's preference.

The young person should also be fully informed of their rights to voice a complaint, concern or disagreement they have about any aspect of the advice, support and guidance they are receiving.

Useful tools in beginning this work will be:-

  • Section H16-20 of the Assessment and Action Records aged 15 years and over
  • Section H16-19 of the Assessment and Action Records aged 10-14 years
  • "Health" and "Family and Social Relationships" sections of the Needs Assessment and Pathway Plan for LAC and care leavers aged 16-21 years. Both of which cover sexual health matters.
  • Section 23(b) of (f) of the Review of Arrangements document will record the progress of the work and any changes to be made. The young person must also be given the opportunity to comment on the progress and content of this work in the course of their review and request any changes they feel ought to be made
  • The IRO will also record both the responsible person and the agreed tasks under Section 10 of the LAC Review arrangements, to ensure that all young people receive the support and guidance required to promote positive relationships and sexual health. However, a Statutory Review is not an appropriate forum to enquire about personal matters
  • Pathway Planning should include the progress achieved by young people in their education about relationships and sexual health, as it will be during the transition from 15 to 21 years that they will require the greatest opportunity to discuss such issues. The workers/Carers will need to be well trained and informed to enable both personal discussions with young adults about these sensitive issues, as well as the knowledge about the availability of more specialist advice and information, where necessary
  • The Children (Leaving Care) Act 2000 requires that the assessment of young care leavers' needs must be undertaken. The responsibility to maintain contact with young people into early adulthood, afford the young people's advisors the opportunity to continue to offer advice and information about relationships and sexual health.

11. Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Young People

Young people have the right to have same sex relationships, and as professionals working with young people, we should all take into account the rights of young people who are gay, lesbian, or bisexual. It is of paramount importance that gay, lesbian and bisexual young people are supported to develop a positive sense of their own sexuality. This should include an awareness of the effects of negative attitudes about sexual orientation on young people. All forms of discrimination have a negative impact and these can include very subtle forms of behaviour, such as general attitudes, looks, innuendoes and non verbal communication, as well as more aggressive forms of behaviour, such as offensive remarks and physical and psychological abuse and/or violence.

Value judgements, or personal comments, about a young person's sexuality can seriously affect feelings of self worth. Young people should not be subjected to the sexual attitudes and values of individuals who care for them in public settings. They should be supported to make their own informed choices, to celebrate these lifestyle choices and not to be seen as being 'victims'. Their sexuality should always be taken seriously and it is not helpful to speculate as to why a young person may have same sex preferences, or to brush off sexual orientation as being 'a passing phase'.

Young people in public care, in general, often have gaps in their knowledge regarding safer sex, due to missing school or having experienced inconsistent Parenting. This is equally true for gay, lesbian, and bisexual young people. Those who are sexually active may consequently engage in unprotected and 'unsafe' sexual practices, thus taking considerable risks with regard to sexually acquired infections, including HIV/AIDS. It is therefore the duty of all professionals working with young people to ensure that young people have appropriate information and safer sex.

It is not appropriate to send young people to other agencies as the only way of dealing with these issues. Other means, such as one to one discussions, group sessions, leaflets, books, as well as other agencies, should be utilised to enable young people to talk through and explore the issues involved. There are publications available such as the "Become, Healthy Body"; book produced by The Who Cares Trust specifically for young people.

12. Condom Distribution

Staff and Carers can provide condoms once they have successfully completed a training session. They will be able to distribute condoms as part of the Brighton and Hove Condom Card (C-Card) scheme being developed in 2007. Young people will have a holistic sexual health assessment by a family planning specialist, a specialist GP or a sexual health worker at a young person's centre and will be issued with a C-Card. Once the young person has their C-Card it is anticipated that Social Workers will be able to give out condoms to the young people that they are working with.

13. Emergency Contraception

Emergency Contraception (often incorrectly referred to as 'the morning after pill') has been available from doctors and clinics for some time. However, from January 2001, emergency contraception is available from certain chemists who have undergone particular training. In Brighton and Hove it is available FREE to women aged 21 and under from specialist chemists. Emergency contraception can be used up to 72 hours after having sexual intercourse, although as soon as it is taken the better. It is not recommended for use as a regular contraceptive method, as it provides no protection against STIs and other contraceptive methods are more effective. To access the free service at chemists, the chemist should be contacted in advance to check the pharmacist who is trained to give out emergency contraception is on duty (See Section 16: Useful Contacts).

Coils can also be fitted up to 5 days after unprotected sex and these are available from family planning, young people's SWAY clinics and GP's – it is advisable to call and check first making sure you let reception Staff know you are requesting an emergency appointment.

14. Pregnancy Options

Pregnancy Testing

It is important that young people are referred to pregnancy testing services which provide non-judgmental information (See Section 16, Useful Contacts) for where young people can go in Brighton and Hove.

Fear and denial often deter teenagers from getting an early pregnancy test. As a result they are more likely to miss antenatal care and to have late abortions. If a young person suspects they are pregnant, it is preferable for them to have a pregnancy test at a local service. However, if they refuse, the social care practitioner could support them in doing a Home pregnancy test. It is essential that any worker involved with this has undertaken relevant training which can be arranged by Southdowns Family Planning.

Although Home tests are reliable, it would be advisable to have the result confirmed at a local service. If the test result is negative, a visit to the clinic also provides the opportunity for the young person to discuss future contraception and find a method they are happy with.


Abortion is legal in England and is regulated by the Abortion Act 1967 as amended by Section 37 of the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 1990. Access to abortion is the same for under 16s and over 16s and doctors would use the Fraser Guidelines to assess competence. This means that young women under 16 can have an abortion without Parental consent provided the health professional is satisfied that the young woman understands the advice provided and its implications and that the abortion is in her best interests. However, in practice this is unusual and would only be done in exceptional circumstances when it is considered to be in the young person's best interests. Health professionals should discuss the benefits of informing her birth Parents/Carers. If the young person does not wish to inform her birth Parents/Carers every effort should be made to help them find another adult to provide support, for example another family member or specialist youth worker. Under normal circumstances, the young person's worker and Parent(s) should be informed and should collaborate with the young person in drawing up a suitable plan for the promotion of the welfare of the pregnant young person and the unborn child.

Legally an abortion can normally be carried out up to the 24th week of a pregnancy. There are different methods to terminate a pregnancy. An abortion should only be carried out by a doctor. GPs with a conscientious objection to abortion are contractually obliged to refer on to other services. The practice should make this clear to patients but social care practitioners should check that young people accessing GPs receive the support they need.

Any decision to terminate a pregnancy should be reached by the pregnant young woman. Advice, counselling and support in making the decision must only be given by suitably qualified independent counsellors. If the pregnant young woman decides to terminate the pregnancy, the Manager must ensure that adequate support is given throughout and afterwards to ensure the child's privacy is protected and any physical or emotional needs are addressed sensitively.

Should there be suspicions that the pregnant young woman or the unborn child are at risk of Significant Harm the Manager must discuss it with the young woman's Social Worker with a view to making a child protection referral.

Keeping the baby

If the young woman chooses to keep the baby, she should be helped to tell her birth Parents/Carer to discuss future arrangements. In Brighton and Hove there are specialist support services for young Parents including a Teenage Pregnancy Midwife, a Teenage Pregnancy Reintegration Officer, specialist Health Visiting services, Teenage Pregnancy Youth Employability Service (YES) Personal Advisers, a specialist Young Fathers' worker and specific young Parents antenatal and postnatal support groups (See Section 16, Useful Contacts). A local booklet for young Parents called Being a Young Parent in Brighton and Hove has been produced with help from young Parents in Brighton and Hove. It includes real life stories and experiences, tips and advice on pregnancy and being a Parent and details of local support services. The booklet is available from the Brighton & Hove Sexual Health & Contraception website. Social care practitioners should also ensure that young mothers have access to information and advice about future contraception (see services listed below). It is estimated that between a quarter and a third of births conceived to young women aged 17 and 18 are second pregnancies, many of which are likely to be unplanned.

Working with Young Fathers

This can be a difficult area of work because the choice and responsibility in decisions relating to the baby lies with the mother. Regardless of how the mother's views the situation, young fathers still need to be supported. The following points should be addressed:

  • What does the young man want his role to be?
  • Does this conflict with what the young woman wants? If so, how will this be managed?
  • How will you support him to deal with his thoughts, feelings, hopes and fears?
  • How can he play an active role in the child's life?
  • Is the young man clear about his legal rights, choices and responsibilities in relation to his child?

In Brighton and Hove there is a specialist young fathers worker based at the Youth Advice Centre contact Alan Seabrook on 01273 889292 or 07738040452

15. Safer Sex and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI)

It is the absolute right of young people to have appropriate information and advice on safer sex, HIV/AIDS, hepatitis and other sexually transmitted infection, such as Chlamydia and Syphilis, are on the increase in the UK. This information should include accurate and regularly updated details on local services and means of accessing these services, as well as how young people can access (free) condoms. In addition, young people should be made aware of the alternatives to penetrative sexual intercourse and encouraged and supported to take responsibility for their own sexual health. There may be instances where some young people may need additional support in maintaining their own sexual health. Cultural and religious diversity should be acknowledged and observed with regards to the issues of STI's and safer sex and the advice of specific health professionals sought regarding this.

Information on sexually transmitted infections, including HIV, must be made available to young people in an accessible form. They should be made aware of clinics where anonymity and appropriate pre and post counselling services are available. They should also be made aware that if tested by their GP the results will be recorded on their medical notes, which may be made available to prospective employers, etc. However, insurance companies should no longer be inquiring about HIV negative test results. Genito-Urinary Clinics (GU or GUM Clinics)*offer a confidential service and do not send any test results to GPs. However, the duty of confidentiality is not absolute. Where a health professional believes that there is a risk to the health, safety or welfare of a young person or others, which is so serious as to outweigh the young person's right to privacy, they would follow local child protection protocols.

See Section 16, Useful Contacts

There are more than 25 STIs. Infections that are common include:

  • Chlamydia
  • Genital Warts
  • Herpes
  • Gonorrhoea or 'the clap'
  • NSU (Non-specific Urethritis)
  • Syphilis
  • HIV
  • Hepatitis (A, B and C)
  • TV (Trichomonas vaginalis)
  • Pubic Lice
  • Scabies

Some infections that affect the genital area, such as Thrush (candidiasis) and Bacterial Vaginosis, can be spread through sex however it is possible to get these without having sex – from wearing tight clothing round the genitals or from using perfumed body sprays and products on the genitals that destroy natural 'healthy' bacteria. Cystitis can be caused by sex, but it can't be passed on to someone through sex. Visit the Brighton & Hove Sexual Health & Contraception website for the facts on STIs local training is available form the Integrated Care Board's Sexual Health Adviser contact Liz Dean on 01273 545403.

If any young person has had unprotected sex they are at risk of having an STI. They need to get medical advice and can get tested and treated for free. There are several services that are available for help and advice (See Section 16, Useful Contacts).


Nationally the rates of Chlamydia in young people under 25 are 1/10 and most people have no signs or symptoms and won't know they've got it so workers supporting young people have an important role to play in encouraging young people to get tested. Chlamydia is easily and completely cured with antibiotics. Free Chlamydia testing for under 25s is available in services across the city (including pharmacies, young people's drop-ins, GPs, Children's Centres, youth clubs and more) To find out where young people can get tested call the Big Screen: 01273 690985.

16. Useful Contacts:

Local website for professionals, young people and Parents, Brighton & Hove Sexual Health & Contraception website.

Tel: 01273 523 388

Family Planning Services

Morley Street Family Planning Clinic: 01273 242091

GUM Services (Genito Urinary Medicine)

Claude Nicol Centre, Royal Sussex County Hospital, Eastern Rd: 01273 664721

Young People's Sexual Health Drop-ins

These services are for 13-25s and provide free specialist services including condoms and various methods of contraception, emergency hormonal contraception (EHC), pregnancy testing and Chlamydia testing.

  • YPC (Young People's Centre), 69 Ship Street, Brighton
    01273 887886
  • YAC (Youth Advice Centre), 65 Blatchington Rd, Hove
    01273 889292
  • Safe + Sorted, 48 Barcombe Rd, Moulsecoomb
    01273 645900
  • MAC's Place, The Bridge, Lucraft Rd, Moulsecoomb
    01273 688416
  • Crew Club, Coolham Drive, Whitehawk – (does not offer EHC)
    01273 608607

Chlamydia Testing

The Big Screen: 01273 690985

Health Promotion Library (excellent for resources): 01273 523312

SWAY (Sex Worries and You) Drop-In's

These practices provide specialist young people's sexual health drop-ins to all young people even those not registered at the practice. Services include condoms and various methods of contraception, emergency contraception, pregnancy testing, testing for Chlamydia and some other STIs. Contact the practice for time of drop-in.

  • St Peters Medical, 30-36 Oxford Street, Brighton
    01273 606006
  • North Laine Medical Centre, 12-14 Gloucester Street, Brighton
  • Preston Park Surgery, 2A Florence Road, Brighton
    01273 559601
  • Stanford Practice, 175 Preston Road, Brighton
    01273 506361
  • The Avenue Surgery 1 The Avenue, South Moulsecoomb
    01273 604220
  • Whitehawk Surgery Whitehawk Way, Brighton
    01273 605438
  • The Charter Medical Centre, 88 Davigdor Road, Hove
    01273 770555
  • The Central Hove Surgery, Ventnor Villas, Hove
    01273 744910
  • Hove Poly Clinic, Nevill Avenue, Hove, C/o Morley St
    01273 242091
  • Portslade Health Centre, Church Road, Portslade
    01273 425300
  • Mile Oak Medical Centre, Chalky Road, Portslade
    01273 426200

Chemists – Free Emergency Contraception

If you are 21 or under (even if you are under 16) you can get emergency contraception FREE from these chemists in Brighton and Hove: (Contact the chemist to first to ensure the appropriate pharmacist is available)

Chemists in central Brighton:

  • Superdrug, Churchill Square, Brighton
    01273 327402
  • Boots, 119-120 London Road, Brighton
    01273 603621
  • Boots, 17-19 St James Street, Brighton
    01273 682308
  • Boots, 129 North Street, Brighton
    01273 207461
  • Stephen Bower Chemists, 109 St James Street, Brighton
    01273 681715
  • Ross Chemists, 3 York Place, London Road, Brighton
    01273 681396
  • Preston Park Chemists, 90 Beaconsfield Road, Brighton
    01273 880404
  • Watts & Co, 110 Dyke Road, Seven Dials, Brighton
    01273 327640

Chemists in East Brighton:

  • Kamsons, 50 The Highway, Moulsecoomb, Brighton
    01273 686853
  • ASDA, The Marina
    01273 688019
  • Alliance, 105 St Georges Road, Kemptown, Brighton
    01273 681508
  • Kamsons, 2 Lewes Road, Brighton
    01273 604576

Chemists in west of the city:

  • Lloyds, 105 Church Road, Hove
    01273 732216
  • Alliance, 76 Boundary Road, Hove
    01273 418165
  • Alliance, 10 Queen's Parade, Applesham Avenue, Hove
    01273 736443
  • Co-op Superstore, Neville Road, Hove
    01273 203752
  • Day Lewis, 181 Church Road, Hove
    01273 730330
  • Boots, 57-61 George Street, Hove
    01273 731591
  • Glayisyer & Kemp, 24 Church Road, Hove
    01273 732515
  • Boots, 67-68 Boundary Road, Hove
    01273 412080
  • Lane & Steadman, 100 Western Road, Hove
    01273 734919


  • Family Planning Association:
    0845 310 1334
  • Brook:
    0800 0185 023
  • Rape Crisis:
    0208 683 3300
  • Gay & Lesbian Switchboard:
    01273 204050
  • The Big Screen:
    01273 690985
  • Sexwise (for YP under 18):
    0800 282930

Support for young Parents:

A free local Booklet Being a Young Parent in Brighton and Hove is available to download on the Brighton & Hove Sexual Health & Contraception website.

  • Teenage Pregnancy (TP) Liaison Midwife:
    07876 357443
  • TP Reintegration Officer:
    07930 147947
  • TP Youth Employability Service (YES) PA's:
    01273 294247
  • Choices Antenatal and postnatal Support Groups:
    07952 756296
  • Young Fathers Support
    01273 889292 or 07738040452