Life Story Policy and Guidance

This chapter contains two links to documents that detail the importance and purpose of 'Life story work' for a child, viz helping them to understand their past, present and future, as well as acknowledging the legal imperative for this work. This work needs to be carried out several times during the child's life as they mature and need to have different levels of information and understanding about themselves.

The chapters detail also the model of practice and the process for the work and the 'Practice Guidance for Children's Social Workers when Commissioning and Producing Life Story Material for Children with a Plan for Adoption' link provides more specific ideas and examples.

Brighton and Hove Life Story Practice for Children Who Have a Plan for Adoption

Practice Guidance for Children's Social Workers when Commissioning and Producing Life Story Material for Children with a Plan for Adoption

This chapter replaced the previous chapter in its entirety in November 2014.