Emergency Backup Scheme

1. Introduction

The emergency back-up scheme aims to give some peace of mind to carers of a disabled relative or friend and parents or carers of disabled children. In an emergency the scheme will ensure that wherever possible, short-term, home-based, emergency cover is available to provide support to the cared for person to cover the period or provide sufficient time to make alternative arrangements.

2. Am I Eligible for the Scheme?

2.1 Carers of Adults

The Scheme is for carers providing substantial and regular care to a disabled or ill partner, relative or friend living at home in Brighton and Hove and where the cared for person would be at risk if left alone for more than a short period of time.

2.2 Parent Carers

The Scheme is for parents and people with parental responsibility who are providing substantial and regular care to a disabled child who has an ongoing health, emotional or developmental issue that means their needs are significantly greater than other children the same age.

2.3 Exclusions

  • Volunteers who provide care as part of their work for a voluntary organisation.
  • Any person who is providing personal assistance for payment, for example a foster carer or personal assistant.

3. Assistance in Completing the Plan

Current clients of Crossroads, the Alzheimer's Society or AMAZE may approach these organisations directly for support in completing your plan. If you, or the person you care for, live in sheltered housing provided by Brighton and Hove City Council you can ask the Scheme Manager to assist you.

If you have had a recent carers needs assessment or review you can contact the person who carried this out with you. Otherwise, please contact the Social Care Information Line on (01273) 295555 who will direct you to someone who can help you. Parent carers should contact the Duty Social Work Service on (01273) 265825

4. Will I have to Pay?

There is no charge for registering your Emergency Plan or for contacting CareLink in an emergency.

Where a registered professional service is provided this will be provided free of charge for up to 48 hours (up to 72 hours over a weekend/bank holiday). After this time, if there is a need for an ongoing service, a charge may be made to the person you care for depending on their financial circumstances.

For parent carers of disabled children there will be no charge for any service provided through this scheme.

5. Who can Help out in an Emergency?

Try to include three options of who/what service could help out in an emergency. This needs to include their name, address, contact phone numbers, their relationship to the cared for person, whether or not they are a keyholder and any further information e.g. when they might be available. Please discuss this with them before you complete the form and make sure they are aware of what is involved in caring, and have agreed to the actions you would like them to take in an emergency.

Help could include the following:

  • friends, neighbours or relatives;
  • a registered childminder;
  • the Adult Placement already used by the cared for person for respite;
  • an increase to an existing homecare package; e.g. if the person you care for normally has one call a day they may need an extra call to assist them with their personal care or meals as this is something you would normally carry out. This has been agreed with current homecare providers so if the cared for person's homecare service has been set up by the council you will not have to contact the agency directly.
  • a Personal Assistant employed through Direct Payments who would be willing to work additional hours.
  • going to stay with a relative/friend elsewhere.
  • Crossroads may be able to provide extra time for a Carers Support Worker to sit with the person you care for and assist with basic personal care tasks.
  • Alzheimer's Society may be able to offer emergency back-up to those families who are already part of the Society's Relief Care Scheme. Each family participating in the Scheme should discuss back-up arrangements with their regular visiting Relief Care Workers to establish whether those members of staff would be willing to be included within their emergency care plan.
  • If you live in sheltered housing it would be a good idea to discuss this with the scheme manager and include them in your emergency plan.

6. Residential Care

If, in an emergency, the person you care for would require residential care you can state this in your plan and also express a preference for a particular care home. However, it may not be possible, at short notice, to place someone in the home of their choice. Also, please note that the cost of a residential placement would not be met through this scheme and the council's normal charging policy would apply.

7. Is There any Money to Help Meet Expenses or Pay Someone?

It will be possible to meet out of pocket expenses such as travel or childcare for someone providing care in your absence. Any expenses will need to be discussed and agreed in principle with the City Council before the Plan is registered. For example, reimbursement of loss of earnings, travel expenses, additional PA hours etc. This will normally be paid to the carer via a Direct Payment after the event and they will then be able to reimburse/pay whoever has provided support in their absence. If the best way to support the person you care for would be for them to go and stay with a relative or friend then it may be possible to arrange specialist transport/escort/or pay travel costs.

If, following an emergency, you need to claim back any agreed costs please write with any receipts etc. to:

Performance and Development Team (Carers Emergency Back-Up)
Adult Social Care
Room G38, King's House
Grand Avenue
Hove BN3 2SS

8. What Counts as an Emergency?

An emergency is an unplanned or unforeseen event that prevents you from carrying out your normal caring role that in turn puts the cared for person at risk.

This could include the following:

  • Carer's admission to hospital or other health needs which preclude him or her from continuing to provide care e.g. emergency operation, broken limb, severe flu.
  • Family emergency such as a close relative being taken ill and requiring help/attention
  • Real risk to the carer's employment on a particular occasion
  • Funeral of a close friend or relative

A typical scenario might be:-

Mrs. A cares for her husband who has had a stroke and requires 24-hour care. Mrs. A receives a telephone call to say that her son has been injured in a car accident and that she needs to urgently go to the hospital. Mrs. A cannot leave her husband or take him with her to the hospital.

Mrs. A would be able to access this service.

This service CANNOT be used for the following.

  • A carer is finding it difficult to cope any longer.
  • To replace existing respite care arrangements.
  • To organise long-term care arrangements.
  • When there is an emergency with the person being cared for.

A typical scenario might be:-

Mr. B cares for his partner with a physical disability and is finding it difficult to manage their care. Mr. B is feeling low and finding it hard to cope with the current circumstances. Mr. B's needs may be better met with additional services and his partner may need to be re- assessed.

Mr. B would NOT be able to access this service.

9. Needs of the Person you Care for

Think about what you normally do for the person you care for and what support they would need to remain at home without you:

  • what would happen if you were unexpectedly delayed getting home for a couple of hours?
  • what would happen if you were unable to carry out your caring role for a longer period such as being admitted to hospital?

What would anyone else need to know about the person you care for?

  • Details of the persons disability, illness or condition;
  • Communication e.g. language, interpretation, signing, hearing, speech, comprehension;
  • Details of current medication and of any help needed to take medication? e.g. difficulty with swallowing, reading labels, or opening bottles;
  • When do they need your help? Day time/at Night or both?
  • Do you help with meals and helping to eat and drink?
  • Do you help with getting to the toilet?
  • Getting washed and dressed?
  • What other support do you give? e.g. making decisions, cultural needs, allergies, special dietary requirements, sight, memory, managing confusion, mobility, phobias, or anything else?

Don't forget to:

  • Tell us key information such as who the cared for person's GP is, who has keys for their home, etc.
  • Confirm that the cared for person (where applicable) and your emergency contacts have agreed to their details being put on the form.
  • Sign and date the form yourself.
  • Request a full carers needs assessment if you would like one.
  • Complete the diary of regular services provided to the person you care for on p.6 of the Emergency Plan.

10. What Happens if No-one Listed in my Plan is Available?

Don't worry, there are already procedures in place to assist both adults and children and the council has a duty to assist anyone who may be at risk in an emergency.