Assessments of Approved Carers Transferring from IFAs to Brighton and Hove - Guidance for Social Workers


This guidance describes the additional assessment responsibilities when carers transfer from an Independent Fostering Agency (IFA) to the Local Authority.

This chapter was introduced to the manual in May 2012.

1. Assessment Report

  1. Original assessment including 2 reference reports.

    The quality of this report will indicate how much more work needs to be done, so attention should be paid to its length, quality and age;
  2. A general update report. This should include:
    • Any significant changes;
    • A summary of the fostering work;
    • A statement by the applicants about their fostering, what they have learnt, how it was reasons for leaving and why they wish to switch to Brighton and Hove;
    • Copy of most recent review if there is one;
    • Interview with carers own children about how they have found fostering;
    • Summary of application completed by assessing social worker;
    • Details of any standards of care or other investigations or allegations regarding the carers;
  3. Letter from the approving agency giving a view of their fostering, any concerns and their understanding of why they are leaving;
  4. Take up a 3rd reference to bring this in line with current Brighton and Hove best practice, referee to provide letter and be visited.

    Plus, if not already completed:
    • Interview ex-partner if childcare has been involved;
    • Complete chronology for each applicant. It is not sufficient for the applicant to complete this on his/her own. The assessing social worker needs to go through with them and verify what they can;
    • If applicants have not been interviewed out of the home then one interview needs to take place in a location other than the applicant's home;
    • Use the Practice Guidance Checks and References dated October 2009 to ensure that sufficient checks have been carried out e.g. finance, security of tenure. It may be necessary to undertake an employers reference check or seek a further school reference. This will enable you to reach the same standard for checks and references as for all in-house new assessments;
    • A second opinion visit.

2. Checks

  1. New enhanced DBS checks should be taken on both applicants and any adult children or other adults living in the household;
  2. Medicals can be accepted from the previous agency if they are within 3 years and will be current to at least the date of the agency decision approving them as carers for Brighton and Hove. If there have been issues identified consider getting new one done and getting sight of original;
  3. Undertake new CPR checks for all over 18s in the household.